*The first two authors contributed equally to this manuscript.Anger as a trigger for information search in integrative negotiations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, advance online publication. How much will you share? Exploring attitudinal and behavioral nudges in online private information sharing. (Title masked for review.) Under first-round review at Academy of Management Journal. (Title masked for review.) Under first-round review at Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Emotions, distance, and emotion management. (Title masked for review.) Under first-round review at Academy of Management Discoveries. Emotional attitudes and the privacy paradox in online sharing.

(Title masked for review.) Revise-and-resubmit at Academy of Management Journal. Spreitzer (Eds.) Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship. Social context and the psychology of emotional intelligence: A key to creating positive organizations. Ybarra, O., Rees, L., Kross, E., & Sanchez-Burks, J. The Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Affect. Workplace affect, conflict, and negotiation. Handbook of Uncertainty Management in Work Organizations. Authenticity in career transitions: Navigating uncertainty in the self and the social context. Before her academic career, Laura was a consultant for The Boston Consulting Group.ĭossinger, K., & Rees, L.

Laura received her PhD from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and her Bachelor’s degree in economics from Harvard University. Prior to Smith, Laura was an Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Vanderbilt University. In 2020, Laura began serving as an Editorial Review Board member for the Academy of Management Discoveries journal. Laura has served as Program Chair for the 2018 International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) annual conference, an IACM Board of Directors member (2018-2020), and a Representative-at-Large for the Academy of Management Conflict Management Division (2020-2022). She has written several negotiation cases and leads negotiation workshops for a variety of audiences. Laura has taught courses on Negotiations and Organizational Behaviour and Leadership to undergraduate, MBA, and master's students. Her research has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Business Ethics, the Academy of Management Annals, the Journal of Applied Psychology, and others, as well as numerous book chapters. Laura's research focuses on emotions and related cognitive and interpersonal influences that often arise spontaneously and without much conscious thought, but profoundly shape decision-making, negotiations, performance, and well-being at work.