
Electrum coin ebay
Electrum coin ebay

Manuel was the last strong Byzantine emperor to occupy the throne before Constantinople's surrender to the besieging Christian soldiers of the fourth Crusade. ISBN 0-7869-1237-5.Manuel I - Byzantine Coinage. Forgotten Realms Campaign Set ( TSR, Inc.). ↑ Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb (August 1987).↑ Jeff Grubb and Andria Hayday (April 1992).Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Cordell, Ed Greenwood, Chris Sims (August 2008). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition (revised), A Grand Tour of the Realms.

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5.0 5.1 5.2 Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams (July 2003).

electrum coin ebay

↑ Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014).“Thieves' Cant: A primer for the language of larceny”. The 4th Edition value for a Sembia-minted electrum coin is one of the only references to ep's in 4th Edition and is wildly different then anything listed in 1st–3rd, and 5th Editions.The name decimes, implies the 1/10 (deci-) valuation between electrum and platinum from 1st & 2nd Ed. Campaign Setting- centaurs, and centarches imply the 100/1 (centa-) valuation between copper and electrum that existed in AD&D 1st ed., implying that in real life, Greenwood came up with the names before 2nd Edition was released. Some of the local names for electrum pieces given in the AD&D 2nd Ed.If one of the twisted bands of a shoonring was made of electrum, this usually indicated that the ring contained multiple powers and enhanced the effects of the magics involved. Two notable tomes- The Chambeeleon and The Tome of the Unicorn-had electrum pages, with the latter also having electrum covers. They could unleash a chain lightning effect.Īn electrum mounting allowed witherite to be worn as a protection to necromantic attacks. Magical morning stars known as storm stars were crafted from electrum-plated steel. The spell Leomund secret chest could use a chest fashioned from bronze, copper, or silver with fittings of electrum or silver. The spell Khelben's warding whip used a pinch of powdered electrum as a material component. It was used for bulk transactions, one coin being worth 50 gp within the city of Waterdeep and worth 2 gp –30 gp anywhere else.Įlectrum currency was generally rare and not available in the Land of Fate. The harbor moon of Waterdeep, a cresent shaped Waterdhavian coin made of platinum, inset with electrum, and punched with a central hole.The original shining blue crescent-shaped electrum moon of Silverymoon, a coin worth 1 ep throughout the Realms but twice that within the city itself.There are two special coins valued more within the city they were minted in: Throughout the Western Heartlands, most electrum coins from abroad were called blue eyes regardless of origin. Silverymoon minted special coins called electrum moons.Waterdeep minted moons, or harbor moons.For a time, Sembia evidently went off the silver and gold standard, and they minted electrum coins called blue eyes, valued at 5 gp apiece.Sembia minted electrum coins called harmarks or electrums.Calimport minted centarches, tazos, or zonths.Amn minted coins called centaurs or decimes.

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Most of Faerûn used "standard rates of exchange for coinage," based on the silver and gold standard, with 1 cp worth 1/100 gp, 1 sp worth 1/10 gp, 1 ep worth 1/2 gp, and 1 pp worth 10 gp.Įlectrum coins adopted various names throughout the Realms.

Electrum coin ebay